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LinkedIn Recruitment Ads
A series of 4 quick, attention-getting ads with a bit of attitude. More importantly, they generated markedly increased response rates and applications.

CBD Wellness Website
Dedicated to carrying forward a tradition of craftsmanship and integrity, these wellness products are made from Kentucky grown and processed hem with the strictest attention to purity, safety, and sustainability.

Ostomy Products Website
An inspirational, informational, and transactional website where people can get answers to questions as well as the products they need for everyday life.

Etch A Sketch VS Slinky 
Retro toy smackdown website that asks the question: Are you more Slinky-y or Etch A Sketch-esque? Vistors voted for their favorite toy, uploaded and viewed home-made fan videos, took quizzes and played for daily instant-win prizes.

Oakwood Hospital is a regional health care provider in Southeast Michigan, with expertise in cardiac and neonatal care. 

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