Words • Images • Ideas

Or Didgeridon’t
The ethics and social implications of alternative instruments in an Irish session
By Kuec Keltischeklang
An intellectual and spiritual journey that brings into question the very notion of traditional Irish instrumentation. Compelling arguments that the fiddle, banjo, bouzouki, and concertina are no more ‘traditional’ than didjeridoos, cajons and harmonically attuned river rocks. Just not at my session, please. €12.50

Traditional Irish
Scales & Arpeggios
For pipe and fiddle
By Darby O’Gill
A comprehensive manual of Irish style. Whilst focusing primarily on the distinctive, soulful scalar exercises and arpeggios of Galway/East Clare, there is substantial material from regions across Ireland, including an in-depth look at the famous “broken chord” tradition of Sliabh Luachra. €25.50

The Goddam Hare
in the Feckin Corn
A Tunebook
A complete collection of all 2,357 goddam tunes entitled “The Hare in the Corn.” These are not just different settings, but completely different tunes: jigs, slides, reels, hornpipes and polkas. It is hoped that this compendium will help sort out the confusion, ill-will, discord, nay even violence between fellow musicians as occasioned by the attempted playing of tunes with this feckin title. €18.50

Llig’s Mammoth Melodies
25 stupefyingly awesome tunes guaranteed to impress the punters
An assortment of 25 great showstoppers. Each in detailed, note-for-note musical notation and banjo tablature. Accompanying CD of computer-generated MIDI arrangements lets you enjoy the tune while you learn it from the score. Guitar chords included. €13.00

The Great Big Giant Book of Irish Traditional Music Crossword Puzzles
Whilst we at The Session Shoppe must grudgingly allow that Irish Traditional Music Crossword Puzzle books may have become a trite and overdone genre in recent years, we are confident the niche is not so saturated that it cannot accommodate one more fine title to the category. View a sample puzzle here. €9.00

The Unravelled
Hank of Yarn
Lost threads of
The complete collection of deleted discussion threads. Everything from politically charged polemics to duplicative tune entries. Unexpurgated discussions have now been rescued using recently declassified CIA digital retrieval technology. €15.00

The Lurker’s Handbook
By Anonymous
Successful lurking requires a specialized skill set and this manual provides step-by-step instructions on how to acquire it, hone it, and deploy it for hours of completely passive enjoyment. Learn the secrets of non-engagement with a proprietary 12-step process that lets you fight off the temptation to post comments, insights or anecdotes—or in any other way actively involve yourself with an Irish traditional music online discussion board. €10.50

The Yhaalhouse Guide to Playing Irish Music
You’ll nowt find sheet music, ABC notation , strummifying chord charts or discography in this book! No CD is included. It's merely a list of all the sessions across the world (cross-indexed with nearby curry shops and parrot-shaving parlors). Irish music is a social tradition, meant to be shared face to face and side by side--not in isolated silos, learning via grim ononastic woodshedding. So hie thee thither to a session, meet some nice folks and start playing Irish music! €14.00
The P Word
Essays on Performance Volume One
A psychosociopolitical analysis of the phenomena of Performance. That’s with a capital ‘P’ and that rhymes with ‘T’ and that stands for Trouble. Key thought leaders from the fields of philology, religion, psychology and the arts contribute essays exploring the history, etymology, definitions, and existence—or nonexistence—of Performance in traditional Irish music sessions. With a forward by Jack Gilder. Rebuttal by Will Harmon. €35.00

Bang Your Frog
on the Sofa
And other essential fiddle techniques
By Former Member #58
Clear, concise and thorough explanations of fiddle technique, session etiquette and life in general. €17.50

Where’s Zina?
By Horatio McCallister
Is she in Colorado? The Dingle gaeltacht? Hiding out in a subterranean bunker with Kerri Brown, bb and Will Harmon? Keep on the lookout—she’s bound to show up in a session near you! €17.00