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Trad Minus One:

The Piano Backing of Michael Coleman

Play like the legend. We’ve digitally removed the fiddle playing of Michael Coleman, leaving only his piano backer. Explore this unique style with an instructional CD that’s also sure to provide hours of listening pleasure. €8.50

Johnny Doherty

plays The Unicorn Song
and other Irish Favourites

Doherty delivers definitive settings of core tunes from the canon: The Unicorn Song, Danny Boy, The Fields of Athenry, My Heart Will Go On (Theme from Titanic) and many more. €8.50

The Humours of Isengard 

What would otherwise be dismissed as just another Sindarin speed metal album in the Celtic twilight genre is redeemed by Saruman the White’s absolutely shredded version of the Tarbolton Set (track 9), replete with insane fingertapping and sick whammy bar pyrotechnics.  €8.50

The Mighty Craic (Various Artists)

6-volume series featuring members from the Golden Age of, all in top form and playing at their very finest. This legendary recording has been digitally remastered and issued in a lavishly packaged box set. €14.50

An Phis Fhliuch

and other naughtily-titled traditional Irish tunes

A collection of tunes with ribald titles, ranging from the explicit titular slip jig to more oblique euphemisms like Toss The Feathers. Some of the included tune titles could be considered naughty only to a sadly depraved mind, such as Star Above the Garter or The Rose in the Heather, while others are deliberate mondegreens, such as Banish Misfortune appearing as Varnish Me Foreskin. €6.50

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